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The creatine (II): What is it? 2ª part

The creatine (II): What is it? 2ª part

This is one of the big limitations of the human body, the possession of a great potential of energy that cannot distribute to our pleasure.

The organism limits us its use in function of the intensity of the effort, and of the time that takes in consenting to the energy.

If we make very short efforts, we know that we can make them with great intensity, but if these efforts want to prolong them in the time, we have to dose ourselves.

This dosage the mark the time that we need to be able to use the stored energy and the energy capacity of each energy source.

Said otherwise, TAP and the creatine phosphate, they have much more “octane” that the fats for example, for what allows more power.

By means of the training, we can increase the energy deposits, and to teach to the body to concentrate more energy on a concrete activity.

The creatine is more an energy component. It is present in the muscular (very near the contraction) cell, and their process to form TAP is very short.

For that reason, it is a fundamental element to prolong the efforts that are carried out with the available energy of the muscle, that is to say, those that are very intense, although short.

In synthesis, the creatine is, therefore, an element that is part of the organism that intervenes directly in the energy production, and whose activity is susceptible of improving by means of the feeding (including the suplementation) and for the training.

This will be in what we will center in next chapters.

F. Javier Molano

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