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The career technique (I): Importance and types

The daily rise of loads does not require as much physical training conditions, unless we work with very heavy elements, but to know clearly certain concepts, to carry out it of a healthful way.In that sense, the ergonomics and the departments of labour risks have been dedicated to disclose advice not to injure to us with this movement.Taking certain precautions at the time of realising the movements the injury risk can be avoided, or be at least fallen.Very instinctively, when we are going to move an important weight, we concentrated ourselves enough, and we took more precautions, than when we crouched ourselves to take a paper of the ground and, nevertheless, also we can here be made damage, because we underestimated normally it, we do and it anyway, without taking care of the movement.For that reason, the first aspect to consider is the concentration, to know that we do at any moment. The gesture to incline and to straighten themselves, although is without moving weight,  can damage our back, reason why it is not necessary to clear importance to it.Whenever we are going to take something that is in the ground or a level inferior, we must try to bend  us to incline  forwards. This is first thing that we must remimd.If we inclined, the legs remain almost prim and the flexion of the trunk is realised inclining to us from the lumbar vertebrae that are the zone with more weak mobility and to yield at the time of “bending the back”.It will continue…

The career technique represents a way to carry out the expression of running. For technique we understand that it is the most effective and economic pattern of carrying out this expression. It would be the best way among all the possible ones.

The career technique doesn’t only represent the model to continue to run well, but the group of activities that allow us to come closer to this end.

The career technique is fundamental to get a quicker displacement and with smaller effort.

Traditionally it was distinguished a technique of pendulous career, of more economic character and directed toward the corridor of long distances, as well as a technique of circular career, more linked to the careers of speed.

With the evolution of the training and of the marks in the different tests, it has left approaching the career to circulate every time to longer efforts, even ending up being used by some athletes in careers 10 kilometers, even marathons.

This depends on the physical (strength, resistance) characteristics, of the sportsman’s corporal (weight, height, etc) constitution, as well as of their grade of training.

The technique of pendulous career, in disuse, it is a natural manifestation of the career when we make it in an extensive (continuous soft career) way. It is not very useful when one wants to run more quickly, because one runs more sunken and with support of the checks, and it is this way very difficult to at great speed run.

We will center in the technique of circular career because it is the one that will allow us to run to the possible biggest speed. To run slower it is not necessary to work any technique.

We will continue …


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