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Pull arms in suspension (I): What are they and what do they serve for?

In sport language it is denominated “hack squat” to the flexion of arms, in suspension, hung of a bar, stairway, or place where to be held with the hands.

With this movement we elevate the body from a lower (the arms begin extended) point, until playing with the chin or the chest the bar (the arms finish bended and hit to the trunk).

The one dominated the most potent exercise to develop the musculature of the wide number, and it contributes muscular more benefits than the poles with high pulley.

Both exercises are seemed as for the movement, but the one dominated is working with the weight of the body, with what the muscular work is bigger.

These exercises, in those that the body moves regarding a fixed point are considered of closed chain. However, the poles with pulley would be movements in open chain, because an external load moves regarding the body that stays fixed in all moment.


This exercise is directly related with the practice of it climbs her, with the result that it is exercise of fundamental training for climbers and opponents that have to climb for a rope (the firemen’s case).

As exercise that develops all the muscles flexors strongly, it is very beneficial for fighters whose specialty depends on holding on to or take to the rival (judo, canarian fight, etc ).

The sports in those that influences a strong development of the numbers, like in the case the javelin pitchers, it also admits the work of hack squats, but always in phases very far from the competition, since the characteristics of the movement don’t look like each other a lot and they can end up harming.

In the daily life, a strong back is a guarantee of health, they decrease the pains in the high back and the shoulders that are very related with many hours to happen sat down in office works and study.

In a next chapter we will continue explaining that musculature is the one that intervenes in this exercise.

We will continue …


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